Educational Exchange Photo Gallery

Educational Exchange Photo Gallery

GACSB 22nd Annual Educational Exchange 2019: "Influence, Impact, and Lead"

Tracy Rackensperger, Ph.D. with University of Georgia provides a session "
Using Augmentative Communication in Employment".

Dennis Miller served as Keynote and Breakout session speaker, coaching participants points of focus when assessing performance of nonprofit leadership.

Terri Theisen provides the participants with "Practices that Produce Exceptional Nonprofit Boards"..










GACSB 21st Annual Educational Exchange 2018: "Creating Grown & Resilience"

Speaker Joe Robinson corrals the participants of his session for a group picture.

Strategic Healthcare Partners (SHP) provides support to the GACSB membership.

(Left to Right) Speaker: Cynthia Shaffer, Speaker: Anne Collier, David Kidd, and Robyn Garrett.

A special ceremony was held in honor of Glynn County Fire Department's Battalion Chief Tommy Dixon who was presented a Resolution by the GACSB Board of Directors for his continued support and leadership during the annual Spring Fling.



GACSB 21st Annual Educational Exchange 2017:
"Tailor-Made Care: Transaction to Transformation"

GACSB prepares to welcome staff, board members, and supporting vendors at the registration center.

CSB staff and board members provide their undivided attention to the speaker.